Three musicians. One projector.


Here’s a little something to track our whereabouts this spring!


We are thrilled to announce that we will be playing a brand new piece, a show called Nils Berg Cinemascope

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9 days to go – new album!

On January 27 we’re there – releasing our album Basilicata Dreaming on all digital platforms. A beautiful vinyl will be

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Getting ready to travel. We are looking forward to extending our family, tying together new and old friends across Europe.

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Wejky wejky, Back after a year or so. Our world slowed down. But we’re, one small step at a time,

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We’ve taken a long summer break from this site – been busy both vacationing and going back and forth between Italy

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Single-Scope #3

A new single is spinning on Spotify and your other digital channels – Now Or Never! We are very much

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It’s a happening time of the year – we’re working hard behind the scenes here at the Cinemascope HQ. Our fourth

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Japan – from Aomori through Osaka to Tokyo – arigato gozaemaaaaaas! – thank you for making this trip into a

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Touchdown! We just landed. Japanese TV met us and we got to learn some bits and pieces about the northern

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